Celebrating all things dark and fearsome, ‘Bramble: The Mountain King‘ will be releasing a free demo for players keen to get their first taste of the world of Bramble this Halloween. Coming to Steam on October 31st, the upcoming demo will allow players to explore one level of the game, meeting one of Bramble’s most notable monsters–the Näken. In the newest trailer we get introduced to Skogsra! ‘Bramble: The Mountain King’ was developed by Dimfrost Games and published by Merge Games.

“We are thrilled to be working with Dimfrost Studio to bring the atmospheric and beautifully crafted Bramble: The Mountain King to PC and consoles later this year”, commented Ross Griffiths, Product Manager from Merge Games. “We were instantly drawn to this wonderful world full of gnomes, trolls and other creatures inspired by Nordic folklore and appreciate the attention to detail that the team are putting into the gameplay experience.”

Features Include:
●Atmospheric environments, high-end graphics, and beautifully detailed art
●Traverse the treacherous land of Bramble on an emotional journey to find your sister
●Unravel dark secrets and discover thedepths of your courage in the face of giants
●Story-driven gameplay with stunning cinematic moments
●Encounter mythical creatures such as Näcken, the Skogsra, trolls, gnomes and more
●Explorea sprawlinglandscapeof tremendous heights and plunging depths inspired by Nordic nature