The Unknown’s mystery is a little less mysterious after Dead by Daylight released their ‘All Things Wicked‘ chapter today. The newest chapter from Behaviour Interactive features two new characters and Map: the neck-snapping The Unknown, Survivor Sable Ward, and the retro Greenville Square. The Chapter will also include two exclusive cosmetics: Sable Ward’s Designer Corset and The Unknown’s Garden Casual outfit.

A Voice In The Dark
No one knows where The Unknown came from. Some townspeople believe it was the product of an ancient cult. Others believe an alien escaped from Area 51. But there is one certainty: only death comes from crossing its path. The newest Killer comes with hallucinogenic abilities, along with three perks based on staying hidden and luring Survivors to their demise.
The Unknown’s Power, Unknown Venom X (UVX), allows players to launch a burst of UVX to create a Blast Area. If a Survivor enters the Blast Area, they become weakened. Once weakened, Survivors will lose a Health State if entering the Blast Area. The only way for Survivors to lose their weakened state is to look at The Unknown. Meanwhile, its Special Ability, Hallucinations, will cause Survivors to doubt where the Killer is. During a Trial, The Unknown will leave Hallucinations in its wake. The Unknown can teleport to these Hallucinations while leaving behind a temporary decoy. Survivors may dispel the Hallucinations by staring at The Unknown while completely still. However, weakened Survivors will take longer to dispel them. Any incomplete attempt will reveal the Survivor’s location to the Killer.
Unbound will activate for a duration when a Survivor becomes injured. During this time, Killers will gain a brief speed boost when you Vault a window. Unforeseen deceives Survivors near generators. When kicking a generator, the Killer’s Terror Radius will transfer to it. While this happens, the Killer’s Terror Radius increases and they become Undetectable. Undone thrives when Survivors miss a Skill Check. After a Survivor misses a Skill Check, the Killer gains a Token. When damaging a Generator, all Tokens accumulated will be consumed. For each Token that is consumed, the Generator loses 1% total progress and will be blocked for 1 second.

Darkness Embraced
While some Survivors may be afraid of the dark, Sable Ward embraces it with open arms. Lover of All Things Wicked, Sable Ward is the only Survivor to join The Fog willingly to search for her lost friend, Mikaela Reid. Sable’s perks are a shout-out to all basement-loving Survivors. Or to torment Survivors afraid of entering the Killer’s favorite hooking spot.
Invocation: Weaving Spider is an Invocation that Survivors can perform only in the Basement. Except, it takes a considerable time to complete. Other Survivors will be able to see the player’s Aura during the process and can join in to increase the Invocation’s speed. After the Invocation is complete, all survivors gain Repair progress. However, the player will be Injured and Broken for the rest of the Trial. If you’re a Survivor who likes to enter Trials without an item, Sable’s Strength in Shadows perk is just for you. When the player enters the Basement, they can heal without a Med-Kit. After healing, the Killer’s Aura will briefly be revealed. If you tried to heal or complete an Invocation but got caught by the Killer, then Wicked is your saving grace. Wicked allows the Survivor to successfully unhook yourself when hooked in the Basement. After unhooking yourself, the Killer’s Aura will be briefly revealed.
Dead by Daylight ‘All Things Wicked’ is available now for PlayStation 4/5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC.