Andriy Bychkovskyi’s Farlanders is a retro-inspired city builder where players can terraform, strategize, and construct their own Martian colony. Residential spaces, resource factories, alien artifact research – there’s nothing you can’t do in your creation of a self-sustaining society.
Players should be cautious when building. The terraforming tiles have preset shapes and placing precious resources like water pumps on flat lands may lead to ice build-ups. However, if you run out of space on the surface, you can always go below. Going underground can provide you with some much-needed resources, rare materials, and ancient artifacts.

In addition to 7 campaign missions, players can check out three different scenarios in the Competitive Freeplay Mode. Trading among colonies for goods can better your society, but watch out for fluctuating market prices and demands.
Check out the trailer for Farlanders below: