Arthouse Horror ‘Indika’ Gets Console Release

Do You Believe What You See?

Credit: Odd Meter & 11 bit studios

Following its successful launch, Odd Meter and 11 bit studios’ Indika will release to consoles on Friday. Indika follows a young nun who begins to experience surreal visions with an unlikely companion – the devil himself. Uncover Indika’s troubled past in each vision and follow her through her journey of self-discovery.

As Indika, players get to see her first visions at the beginning of Communion. Just as the sacrament is about to begin, Indika notices a creature coming out of the nun’s mouth. It scurries down the nun’s arm, disrupting the ceremony and causing Indika to lose her balance and fall over. As the camera swivels manically around her, the young nun mutters apologetically, while the other nuns look on slack-jawed as Indika tries to control the hallucination.

Credit: Odd Meter & 11 bit studios

This game is centered on puzzle-solving and exploration. The puzzles can be quite challenging and can even affect the protagonist’s reality. The game allows the player to interpret Indika’s journey through her faith, and face the challenge of dealing with questions about her religion and trust in God. The player must choose between right and wrong, and resist temptation from the devil’s voice.

With inspiration from arthouse powerhouses like Yorgos Lanthimos, Ari Aster, and Darren Aronofsky, the three-hour gameplay takes players through a beautifully crafted yet eerie experience. The player witnesses her struggle with her faith, which tears and beats down her mind and spirit.

Indika is now available on Steam, GOG, and Epic. PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S users can experience the surreal torment on Friday, May 17th.

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