The Meat of The Game
The Walking Dead has become a staple piece of modern zombie media. So of course, fans are already doomsday prepping for the release of the latest game based on this beloved universe. This release, The Walking Dead Destinies, is a third-person action-adventure that spans up to the show’s 4th season. Although, players going in blind may be surprised by a few distinct differences in the storyline the further in you go.

While you initially take control of Rick and follow the series beginning, this game offers players a choose-your-own-adventure approach to a familiar formula. Players can decide how the group develops throughout the story, such as who’s team lead, or which alliances to allow. Keep in mind, however, each decision you make could determine the outcome later on. So be sure to choose to align yourself with capable and trustworthy individuals, your life may depend on it. Construct your dream team of over a dozen iconic characters to survive either through intense action-packed combat or by maintaining a stealthy approach.

Where and When Shall The Horde Appear?
Now I’m sure your mouth is already watering in anticipation of the action to come, either that or you already got bit. If so, Darn! For those survivors out there, keep an eye and ear out for the title’s official release which has been announced to be November 4th, 2023! You’d better prepare your wallet for taking a hit on release so you can spend the necessary $49.99. The horde will soon be coming to PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and Steam. With such sprawling coverage of console releases, The Walking Dead Destinies definitely seems destined to get us all. It may still seem a ways off, but be careful, the slow approach of death creeps up on us all.

Source: IGN