Montclair Film today announced a new, virtual horror film discussion series entitled ‘Digging Into the Darkness,’ hosted by instructor Jay Kay. Dive into the spine-tingling details of new and classic horror films with instructor Jay Kay in Montclair Film’s new, virtual film discussion series ‘Digging Into the Darkness.’ Jay Kay is the award-winning host of the radio show Horror Happens and a staff writer at HorrorHound Magazine. Jay will moderate discussions with class participants on a different independent horror film each week.
Guests and films include Producer Adrienne Biddle (THE BLACKCOAT’S DAUGHTER), Filmmaker Padraig Reynolds (DARK LIGHT), Filmmaker David Marmor (1BR), Filmmaker Zak Hilditch (STEPHEN KING’S 1922), and Filmmakers Zach Lipovsky & Adam Stein (FREAKS). A full line-up of films and conversation guests will be announced soon at
All films will be available via Netflix and should be watched in advance. Discussions start on February 21 and will run for 5 consecutive Sundays from 7pm -8pm. Register at
Note: R-rated films will be shown and participants under 17 will be required to show parental consent.
Dates: 5 Sundays 2/21, 2/28, 3/7, 3/14, 3/21, 2021
Time: 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM EST / 4:00 to 5:00 PM PST
Cost: $75.00 for all five sessions
Moderator: Jay Kay, Staff Writer for HorrorHound Magazine and Host/Producer at Horror Happens Radio (