Freestyle Digital Media, the digital film distribution division of Byron Allen’s Entertainment Studios, has acquired North American rights to the psychological thriller, WOODLAND. WOODLAND will be available to rent and own on DVD and North American digital HD internet, cable, and satellite platforms through Freestyle Digital Media on July 28, 2020.
WOODLAND stars Richard Harmon (CW’s THE 100), a photojournalist whose future is revealed to him through the images he shoots. Set in 1989, photojournalist Jake is out-of-work and struggling with addiction when he takes a job as watchman of a wilderness lodge on a remote island in the Pacific Northwest, alongside veteran handyman, Sparky. Jake sets up a darkroom to develop his photographs, which begin to expose disturbing premonitions of their future.
Written and directed by Jon Silverberg, WOODLAND features an ensemble cast including Richard Harmon (‘Jake’), Amanda Tapping (‘Donna’), Frank C. Turner (‘Kohler’), Philip Granger (‘Sparky’), and Catherine Jack (‘Anna’).
“I’m incredibly proud to share my horror/thriller fever dream and labor of love that is WOODLAND – brought to life with explosive and achingly beautiful performances from both leads, Richard Harmon and Philip Granger,” said filmmaker Jon Silverberg. “Richard Harmon, as both star and Executive Producer on the film, was such a dedicated and supportive collaborator. On behalf of the entire cast and crew, I’m thrilled to be working with MPX and the team at Freestyle to bring the film to audiences on so many platforms.”
WOODLAND was produced by filmmaker Jon Silverberg, Andy Hodgson, and Dale Wolfe.
Freestyle Digital Media’s Director of Acquisitions, Caleb Ward, negotiated the deal to acquire WOODLAND with Ryan Bury of MPX Films.