There are times where a simple pitch can instantly sell you on a movie. “A dress that kills people” is sure to be at the top of the list. As luck would have it, that’s exactly what Peter Strickland’s next opus, In Fabric happens to be about. In fact, we even have a trailer to prove that to be the case. See for yourself.

Here too is the official synopsis for the film, which really just hints at the insanity contained within:
“A lonely woman (Marianne Jean-Baptiste), recently separated from her husband, visits a bewitching London department store in search of a dress that will transform her life. She’s fitted with a perfectly flattering, artery-red gown—which, in time, will come to unleash a malevolent curse and unstoppable evil, threatening everyone who comes into its path.”
Having seen In Fabric at Fantastic Fest, last year, I can’t wait for people to check it out. To be honest, this is a wild film that’s sure to divide audiences. It’s the kind of work that sticks in your mind, even if you don’t entirely fall in love with it. There’s a weird weird magic to it all. One that’s barely scraped in the footage above. Choices are made here that go well past the realm of believability, entering into farcical territory. It could also easily be labeled as a “dark fairy tale”. One in the vein of classic Brothers Grimm stories. What it never looses sight of thought, is combining the strange with the humorous. Those comparisons to Argento & Lynch, in the trailer, are entirely on point.
What do you all think? Does In Fabric look like a grand old time to you? How do you feel about Strickland’s The Duke of Burgundy and Berberian Sound Studio? Be sure to sound off in the space below. Now, at the moment we don’t have a release date for the USA (it lands in the UK on June 28). As soon as we know something concrete, we’ll update you. For now, just set a reminder on your phone to see In Fabric, when it does get released. Trust us, it’s very much worth your time.