Gun Interactive and Sutto Nottingham are expanding the character roster and bringing a new terrifying map to The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. With the update, players can expect two new characters with their own set of unique perks – Family Member Nancy and a new Victim, Danny. Players will be able to hunt down Victims and learn about the new Family Member in the new free map, Nancy’s House. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre DLC featuring Danny and Nancy will go on sale on November 28th for $9.99.

The newest Victim is Danny, Maria’s boyfriend. Although he has a bit of a rough exterior, he cares deeply for Maria. This connection is what leads Danny to venture out to Newt to search for his lost girlfriend. That is until he comes across Nancy’s House. The saccharine-sweet southern lady behind the door has a murderous history and a thirst for blood. The newest addition to the Family, Nancy, has a natural, psychotic, motherly air to her. There’s not much known about Nancy. However, her past three husbands have all died under mysterious circumstances or have altogether just disappeared. With her husband’s now gone, it leaves her more time to act as a makeshift mother to Johnny Slaughter.
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre DLC will be available for PlayStation 4/5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Game Pass, and for PC via Steam and the Microsoft Store.