In this world, dreams are audited and taxed retroactively. The government wants your two cents for wearing those sweet Nike...
Piggy is the feature adaptation from the short film of the same name by filmmaker Carlota Pereda. A young woman...
Can you ever really know someone? Can you ever really break through the civilized and social presentations each person puts...
One part high school coming of age film, a dash of Coen Brothers and race against time is the set-up...
An elite (nearly all white) College in the Northeast desperately attempts to drag itself out of it’s cagey past and...
The structure of a fairy tale and the structure of a horror film are not as oppositional as it would...
If art has real power over our decision as people, then horror must be trimmed, cut and (sometimes) outright banned....
Love him or leave him, Nic Cage has consistently been putting out at least one marquee genre film each year...
I’ll preface this to say that this was one of my most anticipated films of Sundance and went in with...
What if you cloned yourself only to have everyone around you like the clone more than the original? That’s the...
In a word Knocking, the feature-length directorial debut by Frida Kempf, is uncomfortable. It is uncomfortable in its pacing, it...
Shudder has acquired rights to psychological horror Speak No Evil ahead of its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival. An...