Director Brad Abrahams love for the weird and esoterica fueled his new short film ‘Conspiracy Cruise.’ His previous projects include ‘Love and Saucers’, ‘Swan Song of the Skunk Ape’ and ‘Cryptozoologist.’ All fall in line with subject matters I love to devour.
But his new short ‘Conspiracy Cruise’ is (partly) a real story of a cruise ship vacation for conspiracy theorists that takes a turn for the surreal when their most outlandish theories come true on board.
After hearing the synopsis I was intrigued, but when I heard Henry Zebrowski was playing the main role of Gordon Pike, an ex-rocker turned conspiracy theory expert, I was 100% in for the ride. Zebroski is known of his over the top approach to subject matters like these on ‘Last Podcast on the Left’ which often times tackles murder, aliens and conspiracies with comedic tones.

The film feels like an episode of ‘Last Podcast on the Left’ brought to life and captures the absurdity of conspiracies and frames them perfectly. Zebrowski isn’t the only one that shines in the short. The supporting cast of characters help carry the film and play off every word from Gordon Pike. From reptilians to shapeshifters he is the foremost expert on conspiracies and if you join his inner circle club you will get a free copy of his book and multi-vitamins! With a running time of 12 1/2 minutes the comedic pacing and dive into sadness provides a perfect balance that makes the short a lot of fun!
I had a chance to catch up with Brad Abraham and ask him a few questions about the short.
Brad Abrahams: A few years back there was an actual cruise for conspiracy theorists called the Conspira-Sea. It set sail from South Florida, and featured a cadre of about 100 conspiracy theorists among 1000s of normies on a cruise ship ride through the Caribbean. While know Reptilians or Illuminati revealed themselves (to my knowledge), the IRS did indeed arrest one of the keynote speakers under various articles of tax fraud upon docking back in Florida. I was mostly inspired by Anna Merlan’s amazing article about it all for Jezebel:

DRC: How did Henry Zebrowski get involved with the project? It is a perfect fit given the fact he is a host on ‘Last Podcast on the Left’ which often dips their toe in topics featured in the short.
Brad Abrahams: I had been interviewed by Ben and Henry about my previous film ‘Love and Saucers,’ a feature doc about a man and his interspecies romance with an ET woman. I kept in touch with Henry, and practically wrote the character with him in mind. I think he’s fantastic as Gordon, and who may just be his alter-ego.
DRC: What is one of your favorite and absurd conspiracy theories?
Brad Abrahams: That JFK Jr. never died and is secretly Q from the Qanon conspiracy. The adrenochrome conspiracy is another “favorite”.
DRC: Could we see Gordon Pike take his “Conspiracy Cruise” panel on the road in the future pair with the short film? If so, sign us up for an evening with Gordon Pike!
Brad Abrahams: I’d like to expand the ‘Conspiracy Cruise’ universe, as mini episodes or a longer piece. But a mockumentary with Henry giving real lectures as Gordon is a great idea, thanks!