The Thaumaturge is a dark fantasy detective story starring Wiktor Tzulski. Wiktor is the titular Thaumaturge, and wields mystical creatures...
Moral ambiguity and magical monsters abound in the isometric story-driven RPG: The Thaumaturge. After a brief delay, the developers at...
Venture into the jungle and try to survive the night with Paddle Creek Games’ Fractured Veil. The post-apocalyptic RPG survival...
The untamed frontier of the Wild West just got a supernatural twist in Hyperstrange’s latest creation, Blood West. This gritty,...
The trailer for a new action-filled RPG, Deathbound, from Tate Multimedia and Trial Forge Studios dropped. The trailer for Deathbound...
A new RPG caught my attention today and I wanted to share this slice of awesomeness with my readers. ‘Veiled...
The board games that come to life from Kickstarter campaigns continue to amaze me. I run across so many that...