If you missed Prano Bailey-Bond’s ‘Censor’ at Panic Fest or when it premiered at Sundance fear not – it will...
IFC Midnight’s latest horror flick appears to be inspired by real life. One morning, while browsing Reddit, Jon Stevenson came...
Alamo Drafthouse Cinema is spending the first weeks of the new decade celebrating an iconic part of film history: the...
Alamo Drafthouse Cinema announced today the upcoming opening of Video Vortex, a video store/bar/arcade/board game hub/retail store adjacent to their...
BrokeHorrorFan.compresents contemporary horror favorites on VHS! Broke Horror Fan and Witter Entertainment have teamed up to set modern monsters loose...
The official poster was released for the upcoming horror flick Cooties, which will be playing as part of the 2014...
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