SDCC 2020: First Look at Joe Manganiello as an Interdimensional Superhero in Legion M’s ‘Archenemy’

Credit: Courtesy of Legion M

D&D Dungeon Master, Joe Manganiello, stars in ‘Archenemy.’ The latest film from Legion M and Spectrevision. We scored our first look during their San Diego Comic-Con panel.

‘Archenemy’ is a story about characters fighting for an impossible dream. It’s about what happens when our memories of a glorious past, and our hopes for a glorious future, smash against the violent reality of where we are now. And it’s about trying to change that reality together.

Told as a gritty, immediate, street-level crime story, with flashbacks to the hyper real action of Max’s past — a past that may or may not be real. The epic myth of a superhero blends with the style of modern noir in a story about characters who are trying to grapple with reality… like all of us.

Amy Seimetz (“Pet Semetary,” “You’re Next”) and Glenn Howerton (“The Hunt,” “A.P. Bio”) co-star in the film, which was produced by Daniel Noah, Lisa Whalen, and Elijah Wood for SpectreVision. While Adam Egypt Mortimer serves as the man in the director’s chair.

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Max Fist was the greatest hero of a vast city in another universe. He saved his world from destruction but crashed through space and time… and wound up here – a desolate American suburb. Powerless, a broken drunk telling stories about his glory days — stories that no one believes, until he meets Hamster, a kid who wants to be a famous writer who believes Max’s story. Max finally has someone who believes him, and Hamster has someone who he thinks won’t let him down.

But things fall apart when Hamster’s sister Indigo steals $100,000 from the mob. Max will try to learn what it means to be a hero — here, now, without superpowers — one brutal blow at a time.


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