The Thaumaturge is a dark fantasy detective story starring Wiktor Tzulski. Wiktor is the titular Thaumaturge, and wields mystical creatures...
Gun Interactive’s The Texas Chain Saw Massacre follows a group of college students in search of their friend’s missing sister,...
This brief guide will help break down the 13 Survivors and ultimately help players determine which Evil Dead Survivor character...
This brief guide will help break down the different Demon Boss units and ultimately help players determine which Boss is...
The time is now folx. Dead By Daylight has just launched its Halloween event: Haunted by Daylight. From now until...
DarkStone Digital and DreadXP have released their newest game The Mortuary Assistant. After completing your degree in mortuary sciences, you...
Dead by Daylight will soon release a new DLC called Chapter XVIII: A Binding of Kin in December. In...