Bryan Fuller is reuniting with his Hannibal lead, Mads Mikkelsen, for a new horror film called, ‘Dust Bunny.’ The film...
When I Consume You is an intense look at how grief can consume a person’s entire being. Director Perry Blackshear...
You may remember the 2009 psychological horror film, ‘The Orphan.’ The plot is a uniquely twisted and disturbing one about...
Shudder and Paper Street Pictures announced today the cast and director lineups for the horror-comedy SCARE PACKAGE II: RAD CHAD’S...
Another year is coming to an end and it was a pretty good year for horror but 2022 is shaping...
In advance of its world premiere at Panic Fest this week, the new horror feature ‘Red Snow’ has released its...
The Feast, the new film from director Lee Haven Jones, is not here to comfort you. In fact, it is...
‘Mad Father’ was originally released way back in 2012 by Miscreant’s Room. It gained moderate success with streamers like Markiplier,...
There is something truly incredible about the power of 2D horror. Games like Playdead’s Limbo and Jasper Byrne’s Lone Survivor...
SXSW 2020 is just around the corner and with it comes a fantastic group of films set to take place...
The second round of SXSW Film Festival programming has been announced and it is fantastic! This round includes Midnighters, Festival...
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