Rise Up Lights Productions LLC and the widely popular podcast Creepy are excited to announce the release of the third...
Audible’s groundbreaking vampire-apocalypse series Impact Winter, from executive producers of The Walking Dead and the writer of Pacific Rim, is back for a second season, exclusively from...
Eric Havens dropped by the SXSW red carpet premiere for Warner Bros. Pictures new installment in the ‘Evil Dead’ franchise,...
The last few months of 2022 have been a Del Toro fan’s dream— with both ‘The Cabinet of Curiosities’ and...
I HEAR FEAR, a new podcast anthology series of six spooky stories hosted by Academy Award-nominated actress Carey Mulligan, launches...
KC and JD get ready for the Halloween season with a Fall Entertainment Preview Guide. Then JD shares his trip...
KC and JD answer the call and discuss ‘The Black Phone’ starring Ethan Hawke in this episode of the Creepcast....
KC and JD swap bodies and chat about the latest season of ‘Stranger Things’ and look at what is ahead...
Realm, the audio entertainment company with more fiction podcasts in the top charts than any other company,, today released the...
‘The Cosmic Game’ is a new original horror-fantasy audio drama from the immersive production company, Drunken Devil. A modern twist...
Let me be the first to welcome you on a journey into the wandering mind. Nightmares are unpleasant dreams that...
This week, we are taking the week off. So, in the spirit of spooky season, here’s a previous episode from...