For years, Jack Osbourne and his friend, actor Jason Mewes, have been curious about the existence of the legendary creature...
When your life is at an impasse, head to the woods and look for Bigfoot. Joshua Land’s Ape Canyon follows Cal Piker,...
It has been over a year since we had the pleasure to spread the word about ’15 Things You Didn’t...
Back in the early 90s in Northern California, undercover reporter David Holthouse was covering the cannabis cultivation when a crazed...
We are thrilled that this film has found a home with Cranked Up Films. It was a fan favorite at...
Ken Walker is a World Champion taxidermist. He specializes in re-creating extinct and endangered species out of other animal’s hides,...
Big Fur, the new feature length documentary by director Dan Wayne, describes itself as the journey of a world-famous taxidermist...
When a film features a title as audaciously awesome as The Man Who Killed Hitler And Then Bigfoot, you shouldn’t...
The creature feature ‘Big Legend’ follows the trail of a missing fiancée that finds more than he bargained for when teaming up...
Video games and Easter Eggs just go hand in hand. It’s a perfect marriage really, and with the ever-evolving capabilities...