Netflix dropped the teaser trailer for the next installment in Mike Flanagan’s ‘Haunting’ series and it officially has put us...
As ‘Longlegs’ dominates the horror box office, NEON continues to play in the genre with their latest pickup, ‘Shelby Oaks.’ ...
As a fan of both Mike Flanagan (‘The Haunting of Hill House’, ‘Midnight Mass’) and 90s teen horror novelist Christopher...
Dare to go back when director Mike Flanagan continues the story of Danny Torrance, 40 years after his terrifying stay...
After taking on the works of Shirley Jackson, Henry James, and Stephen King, acclaimed horror director Mike Flanagan is channeling...
As expected, Netflix is giving Mike Flanagan another season of ‘The Haunting of Hill House.’ Deservedly so. Following the path...
For five years Mike Flanagan has been gifting Netflix with what are, in my opinion, horror television masterpieces. From The...