Part Three finds Sabrina reeling from the harrowing events of Part Two. Though she defeated her father Lucifer, the Dark...
Netflix has been killing it recently when it comes to scary stories and carefully concealed creepiness. In early October, the...
It’s a wicked world out there, and Sabrina is brewing up trouble. After signing her name in the Book of...
Sabrina Spellman is back one last time to raise your spirits and defeat ALL the (Eldritch) terrors this New Year’s...
Check out the music video for the original song “Straight to Hell” performed by Sabrina Spellman & Lovecraft, featuring first...
I friggin’ love that witches are in vogue again. In my eyes, they were never out of style. I’ve spent...
You may recall our recent review of the witchiest show to ever take hold of Netflix, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.If...
For those of us who LOVED the Netflix series ‘Chilling Adventures of Sabrina’ the 36 episodes we got feels like...