A cult-hit in the making, Jay Baruchel’s long-anticipated ‘Random Acts of Violence,’ adapted from the popular 2010 horror graphic novel...
Shudder and IFC Midnight announced a theatrical run for the highly-anticipated and award-winning Shudder Original ‘Saloum’ beginning Friday, September 2 ahead...
Joe Bob kicks off another year of holiday fun with the Shudder Original Valentine’s Day special, Joe Bob’s Vicious Vegas...
Shudder releases the first trailer for the Shudder Original ‘Good Madam’ ahead of the film’s debut on the platform on...
‘Mad God’ is an experimental animated film set in a world of monsters, mad scientists and war pigs. A corroded...
Shudder released the trailer for the new thriller Nightmare, from writer/director Kjersti Helen Raasmussen (The Tunnel). The film will make its...
Shudder announced the renewal of the hit drag competition series ‘The Boulet Brothers’ Dragula’ for a fifth season. The renewal...
Shudder, AMC Networks’ premium streaming service for horror, thriller and the supernatural, shares an exclusive sneak peek of CREEPSHOW, the...
In ‘Great White,’ a blissful tourist trip turns into a nightmare when five seaplane passengers are stranded miles from shore....
Leading international and indie film distributor Well Go USA Entertainment has acquired North American rights to the chilling creature feature UNWELCOME,...
It begins with a tunnel-view scene of a young girl emerging from the mist, the forest surrounding her, a raven...
We’re living in a tough timeline for found footage films. And internet personalities. The former can be cause for eyerolls...