During the Future Games Show at Gamescom, the Bloober Team released new gameplay from their upcoming psychological horror game, Layers...
27 results for
Layers of Fears
Bloober Team and co-developer Anshar Studios have announced their newest project: Layers of Fears. The project was first teased last...
Bloober Team and Anshar Studios’ psychological horror game, Layers of Fear, is now available. The franchise previously featured two main...
Bloober Team’s Layers of Fear demo is now available on Steam. The limited-time demo will be available through 3 PM on...
Outer Terror comes back into our line of sight as it makes its console debut! This action-packed rogue-lite promises to...
With Little Nightmares 3 launching next year, fans of the franchise can get another taste of Six’s adventures with the new...
To wrap up a summer of incredible games, Feardemic’s Fear Fest shines a light on even more upcoming horror titles....
Is there anything in life as deeply terrifying as parenthood? So many things could go wrong, every action holds the...
RED SOUL GAMES debuted a new trailer for their survival horror game,‘Post Trauma,’ during Gamescom’s Opening Night Live pre-show. The...
Dead by Daylight isn’t afraid to bring iconic horror icons to a trial but only a legend could face them...
Fans of The Expanse will be happy to hear that the Telltale series will follow the show. The game is...
Gun Interactive debuted a grisly new trailer for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre during the ID@Xbox Showcase. With plenty of...