Following last year’s viral ‘Skinamarink,’ director Kyle Edward Ball will team up with A24 for his next film, ‘The Land...
As ‘Longlegs’ dominates the horror box office, NEON continues to play in the genre with their latest pickup, ‘Shelby Oaks.’ ...
A24 wishes us a warm “Welcome to EDDINGTON.” The production company teams up once again with writer-director and filmmaker Ari...
I’ve become accustomed to the point of boredom with big budget horror revisiting tried and true IP in search of...
Fans of professional wrestling workhorse Nic Nemeth, known to the WWE universe as Dolph Ziggler have been wondering where he...
Based on a couple of photos and vibes alone ‘Lisa Frankenstein’ has the spot for my most anticipated film of...
If you have a TikTok account, then you’ve probably heard whispers of a new Horror phenomenon by the name of...
Come October, spooky treats are always floating about. Your old pumpkin spiced everything, your Reese’s pumpkins, the momentary return of...
If there were a venn diagram of people who enjoy Bring It On and people who enjoy horror movies, I...
We’ve been excited for the new Blumhouse feature ‘They/Them’ (pronounced “they slash them”) since details started emerging in May. Now,...
You would have to be living under a rock to be unaware of the enormous success of Stranger Things. The...
The trailer for A24’s latest venture into arthouse horror dropped today with ‘Lamb’. The film is about “A childless couple,...