Spanish filmmaker Ivan Villamel takes you back to school with his pseudo-revenge short film ‘La Nueva’ or The Newcomer. María (Amaia...
Absurdist horror can be a tricky thing to pull off. Add to it a microbudget and 10 years of post...
Robert Englund has become one of the most revolutionary horror icons of our generation. This intimate portrait captures the man...
Evil Dead is a legacy. There is no argument against this. Five films, a television series, a video game, and...
“How do you know if you’re doing the right thing?” An internet program that can lure and catch pedophiles evolves...
As an avid seeker of all things Satanic Panic, I thought I knew most things about the outrage in the...
Paranoia. Lies. Deceit. Ghosts? Ted Geoghegan (We Are Still Here) returns with their latest (and best!) film to date, Brooklyn...
When the horror genre is at its best, it gives the viewer a place to fit and a place to...
If there’s one thing we can all agree on it’s that it’s really fun to watch Nazi’s get absolutely destroyed....
Panic Fest 2022 was the first time Spider One hit my radar in his current form of horror writer and...
Panic Fest 2023 is here! We have a jam packed schedule for you this year with over 100+ films and...
Spider One and Krsy Fox brought their first feature film ‘Allegoria’ to Panic Fest in 2022 for the world premiere....