The Summers Brothers’ (Robert and Russell Summers) short, ‘See You on the Other Side,’ is a sci-fi thriller that takes...
‘Cryptina’s Spook-Time Variety Show’ is a sketch comedy horror anthology show from Ryan Rigley . The series is hosted by...
Another great year of horror and sci-fi films has come and gone. As we prep for Panic Fest I have...
Short films can often get overlooked or lost in the huge amount of content that is available for genre fans...
For anyone that has been stuck in an elevator before we all know how uncomfortable it can be. Especially if...
Screenland Armour Presents a Downright Creepy Event Panic Fest 2020 Announces Feature Films & Special Guests SPONSORED BY FANGORIA |...
Entertainment Weekly debuted the official trailer for Fangoria’s ‘VFW’ today. The latest effort from director Joe Begos has Army Veterans...
Last week we announced much of our feature film lineup for Panic Fest 2020! We are excited about our group...
Our film festival, Panic Fest, is only a couple months away and today we are proud to announce our Short...
We are busy planning our 8th annual film festival Panic Fest! Not only do we feature tons of incredible genre...
We first fell in love with ‘The Birch’ on Crypt TV and later at Panic Fest when we selected it...
Living with in-laws can lead to some desperate decisions. Joel (Zack Robidas) is a Silicon Valley investor forced to live...