Evil Dead is a legacy. There is no argument against this. Five films, a television series, a video game, and...
As an avid seeker of all things Satanic Panic, I thought I knew most things about the outrage in the...
This years crop of short films at Panic Fest may have been our most intriguing group of films yet. From...
One location horror films can be hit and miss, but directors David Charbonier and Justin Powell have crafted a masterful...
Director Brad Abrahams love for the weird and esoterica fueled his new short film ‘Conspiracy Cruise.’ His previous projects include...
Film debuts are hard. Full stop. The amount of expectation that comes with being an “emerging talent” can seem insurmountable....
For anyone that has been stuck in an elevator before we all know how uncomfortable it can be. Especially if...
Families can be…complicated and “complicated” is an understatement for the Jennings family in ‘Mother Father Sister Brother Frank.’ This first...
Chilean filmmaker Patricio Valladares bursts into Panic Fest with ‘Invoking Yell’, a frightening flick set in Chile in the 1990s....
‘Vicious Fun’ is the type of film you need to experience in a theater with a crowd full of horror...
There were many highlights during the Panic Fest Short Film Showcase block this weekend and it is hard to pick...
When the horror genre is at its best, it gives the viewer a place to fit and a place to...