‘Cryptina’s Spook-Time Variety Show’ is a sketch comedy horror anthology show from Ryan Rigley . The series is hosted by...
Albert Shin’s ‘Disappearance at Clifton Hill’ plays out like an immersive experience come to life on screen as a complicated...
The official trailer is here for Jonas Akerland’s LORDS OF CHAOS starring Rory Culkin, Emory Cohen, Sky Ferreira, Jack Kilmer...
If you attended our festival Panic Fest you got an early screening of A24’s upcoming film ‘Medusa Deluxe.’ Didn’t get...
The Summers Brothers’ (Robert and Russell Summers) short, ‘See You on the Other Side,’ is a sci-fi thriller that takes...
Last week we announced much of our feature film lineup for Panic Fest 2020! We are excited about our group...
There’s been a movement in horror lately that really leans in on the fact that rich people are the absolute...
Start a new spreadsheet and start planning for Panic Fest 2021! We have over 60 films along with podcasts, panels...
Welcome Villain Films announced their next film, the Australian shocker ‘Beaten to Death,’ will open in theaters on September 1st. ‘Beaten...
This years crop of short films at Panic Fest may have been our most intriguing group of films yet. From...
The Last Drive-In‘s Joe Bob Briggs and Darcy the Mail Girl are kicking off the 10th annual Panic Fest with...
Fresh off the US Premiere at Panic Fest, ‘The Last Matinee’ has been picked up by Dark Star Pictures and...