Downright Creepy presents ‘You Missed a Spot’ – part of the Midnight Snack collection. Horror / Comedy A short film...
Last Thursday, ALTER released the horror series ‘The Outer Darkness’ from director Ben Franklin and Anthony Melton. Known for directing...
Subscribe to DOWNRIGHT CREEPY on YouTube: Downright Creepy Presents Red Room. Drama / Thriller A short film by Bryan...
Short films are the calling cards for up and coming filmmakers trying to make a name for themselves. It’s the...
Filmmaker Ari Aster has made quite a name for himself as a fascinating genre director. Regardless if you love him...
Downright Creepy presents ‘Conspiracy Cruise’ – Part of the Midnight Snack Collection. SYNOPSIS: The (partly) real story of a cruise...
Downright Creepy in partnership with our Panic Fest filmmakers are bringing you some of our favorite short films from the last...
Gunpowder & Sky’s horror brand ALTER, is celebrating Halloween by releasing 11 new short films over the course of two...
There may not have been a more strange film than ‘Brown Fish’ in our Panic Fest lineup this year. It...
After a successful run screening at 100 film festivals receiving more than 40 awards and nominations, the Sitges Film Festival...
20th Digital Studio will premiere a series of 30 diverse, genre-bending short films for Halloween 2020. Bite Size Halloween ranges from horror...
The South by Southwest® (SXSW®) Conference and Festivals announced the Audience Award winners for the 31st SXSW Film & TV...