This dark and wickedly fun short film ‘How to Be Alone’ stars Maika Monroe (The Guest, It Follows) as a...
Gunpowder & Sky’s horror brand ALTER, is celebrating Halloween by releasing 11 new short films over the course of two...
We’ve all had fun by misspelling “Santa” around Christmas time and had a chuckle. “Hail Santa!” But Anomaly London has...
There were many highlights during the Panic Fest Short Film Showcase block this weekend and it is hard to pick...
‘Noctámbulos’ (Night Owls) has won 14 internationals awards during its run on the festival film circuit and rightfully so. The...
Being the short film curator for Panic Fest I see a lot of short films come my way. Some are...
If you are familiar with the work of director Bryian Keith Montgomery Jr. and ALT HORROR then you know they...
Do attending Metal shows give you anxiety? Well, maybe it should. ‘LICHEMOTH’ opens with a quote about a forgotten entity...
Spanish filmmaker Ivan Villamel takes you back to school with his pseudo-revenge short film ‘La Nueva’ or The Newcomer. María (Amaia...
Nothing good ever happens when you don’t follow the rules and the same can be said in the horror short...
“Leave it…he doesn’t want any of his dad’s cheese! Do you, son?” ‘The Heritage’, written and directed by Andrew Rutter...
‘Blink,’ starring Sophie Thatcher (Yellowjackets, The Book of Boba Fett) and directed/co-written by Spenser Cohen (Moonfall, Extinction), is the first...